New forms and determinations

The Director of Building Control has updated a number of the statutory forms sued throughout the approvals process. Two significant changes are:

  • There is now a single form for notifying the council of low risk work, applying for a certificate of likely compliance, applying for a building (or demolition) permit, and applying for a certificate of completion – a Form 2 (building work).
  • There is now a single Form 35 for all designers, incorporating the Form 35A, Form 35B and Form 78 (certifiable works) used previously.

All updated forms can be found here.

There have also been a number of the Director’s Determinations updated, importantly the:

  • Director’s Specified List
  • Requirements for Bushfire-prone Areas
  • Shot-term Visitor Accommodation
  • Categories of Building Work.

All Director’s Determinations can be found here.

Significant changes in regards to categories of building work include:

  • Farmers can now build sheds up to 200 m2 without approval, under Category 1 Low Risk work.
  • Building surveyors can provide a decision and statement on works that may constitute Category 2 Builder’s work.